Red Alert
We get alerts on our phones and T.V. screens all the time. We get alerts about the weather, breaking news alerts, and when our friends post things on social media. We are inundated with alerts. Sometimes depending on the type of alert, we will clear it, or if it’s something that piques our interest, we will open the alert. Could you go with me for a second? Imagine you ger an alert on your phone that says, Jesus is coming tomorrow, or maybe you get a text from him saying he will be arriving tomorrow. There isn’t a specified time that he is set to arrive on planet earth, just that he will be here tomorrow. What would you do? Would you see the alert and dismiss it, or would you hurry and start posting on social media and calling your friends and asking them if they got the same alert and start discussing Jesus’s arrival. The real questions are would you be ready, and what would you do differently regarding your life?
When we have guests at our home, we clean up, which most people do. We want our guests to feel comfortable and cozy in a clean environment. We mop our floors, clean bathrooms, wash dishes, put them away, and clean under every nook and cranny; no spec of dirt is left behind. If you got that text or alert, would you hurriedly start reading your Bible, become a saint for the day, no cursing, etc. How would your behavior be? Revelation 16:15 says, “Behold, I am coming like a thief. [a]Blessed is he who [b]stays awake and who keeps his clothes [that is, stays spiritually ready for the Lord’s return], so that he will not be naked—spiritually unprepared—and men will not see his shame.” The Bible says that he’s coming like a thief in the night. A thief doesn’t announce when he’s going to someone’s home. The Bible goes on to say that blessed are those that are ready. There’s a saying that says you don’t have to get ready if you stay ready.
If we are prepared as best as we can and watching, it’s like knowing you have a guest coming to your home, cleaning your house, and preparing ahead of time. Imagine how different our lives would be if we lived every day as if Jesus were to return. I encourage you to be sure that you will enter into eternity with Jesus at the end of your life. Make a list of things you would do differently; if you knew he was set to return tomorrow and work on that list. If you need to start paying your tithes, pay them. If you need to start reading your Bible more and working on your relationship with God, start setting aside a daily quiet time and spend time with God; build your relationship with him and get closer with them. If you need to forgive someone, forgive. If you need to start walking in your purpose, today is a great day to do. Whatever God is speaking to you, I encourage you to do it as soon as possible.