What Did You Do With What I Gave You?
I recently read Matthew 25:14-30. The master went on a trip, but before he did, he gave one of the servants five talents, another servant was given two talents, and another servant was given one talent. The two servants that received multiple talents, multiplied them and gained even more; The servant that received one only buried it. When the master returned, he rewarded the two by given them more because they essentially multiplied what they were entrusted with, and they were faithful in what they were given. The one that buried his talent got in trouble for burying it. He basically didn’t do anything with it. He didn’t even put it in the bank to earn interest; It just sat there and laid dormant.
God has given each of us gifts, talents, and abilities. There are so many gifted people in this world. If you were at that final moment and God asked you, “What did you do with what I gave you?” What would be your answer? By no means is this meant to guilt trip you, but more to get you thinking about your place in the kingdom? What gifts has God given you and how are you using them for his glory?
Sometimes we can tend to look at those that have gifts that are in the forefront such as actors, singers, pastors, etc. Everyone has gifts and talents and even if you feel your gift or ability is insignificant, it’s important and should be utilized for God’s kingdom. Maybe you’re a great cook, partner with a local church and cook for outreach events or start your own kingdom restaurant and operate your restaurant in a kingdom minded way. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom and your children are your ministry; you can have bible studies with them and talk to them about Jesus and maybe even set up a volunteer day and you all can go help someone in need. No matter what abilities God has given you, you can use them for God’s glory. This week I want to encourage you to pray and ask God to show you how can use what he has given you and how to multiply it.