What is in Your Heart?

What’s in your heart? Matthew 12:34 says, “You snakes- how can you say good things when you are evil? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Romans 10:9 says, “If we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. You may be asking yourself why I wrote two different scriptures that seem so opposite. One seems to be about salvation, while the other seems to be about speaking. I chose these two scriptures because they have similarities, although they say different things. I am talking about what Is in your heart. Whatever your true feelings are In your heart are liable to come out in confession. If you confess that Jesus was raised from the dead and believe in your HEART, you are saved. Both of these scriptures talk about confession and matters of the heart. We have to be mindful when we are giving people advice and or telling people things we are believing God for. If you are believing God for a new car, you don’t want to tell someone that will cut your dream down. They may say, “How is that going to happen? You work at such and such place, or you make such and such money?” They are confessing negativity over your dream, which could cause delays or even cause you to give up on the goal altogether. We must be mindful of what we tell others because confession mixed with genuine belief in the heart is a recipe that could work in your favor or against you, depending on what side you are on with the words. I encourage you to be mindful of who you are confiding in and what you confess to about your situation. Does your confession line up with God’s word? Does that person’s confession over your life or dream line up with God’s word? Speak God’s word only over your situation and watch God turn it around.
