Don't Repeat It


Think back to the times you received negative news; Maybe a bad doctor’s report or something that someone said to you that doesn’t sound very good. When God formed the earth, he did what? He spoke everything into existence. Genesis 1: 3 says, “And God said, “Let there be light;” and there was light.” We have to be mindful of what we speak. Let’s say, for example, you go to the doctor, and they give you a diagnosis. Before receiving that information, you have to think about it. It doesn’t mean you deny what the doctor’s report said, but you don’t have to repeat it. If you are told to take medicine for the ailment, I encourage you to do so, but find scriptures on God’s healing and read those daily.

I encourage you not to repeat what you heard that contradicts God’s word. If God says you are healing, you don’t have to say what and receive what the doctor told you to have. If someone calls you a bad name or tells you you will never be anything in life, don’t repeat that. Find Scriptures of what God says about you and meditate on that. A lot of times and we meditate on the wrong thing. We ponder how someone mistreated us or that negative information someone spoke on our lives. If Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Why do I believe what the enemy is speaking through someone else? If someone says, “You will never amount to anything or be anything in life,”? Why do I believe that? God just said in his word that he has plans for my life. Why believe that if the doctor says you have days or a few months to live? God says he has plans for you. Speak and repeat God’s word, not what the enemy is speaking through another person. I know it can be difficult sometimes, but we have to remind ourselves to speak the word only. We should not speak what is opposite of what the Bible says. It does take practice, especially if we are in a phone conversation and someone puts us on the spot.

Maybe you have been struggling with something, and they ask how things are going. Instead of speaking negatively, you speak what God’s word says about the situation. Maybe you’re seeking something. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; Seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.” If you are seeking something, remind yourself that if God came through before and provided a way, he surely will come through again and make a way. Continue to speak God’s word over yourself and your loved ones, and watch things change for the better. God is amazing, and his word is true.
