The Road Less Traveled

Several weeks ago it was raining pretty bad as I drove to work. I decided to drive on the access road so that I could drive at a slower speed. As I drove on the access road I could see a lot of cars driving on the highway. I also noticed that very few cars, if any, were driving on the access road.

I was reminded that in this walk with God that very few people take the narrow road. a lot people take the broad road. The broad path is such an easy path to follow. We can sort of blend in with the crowd and go with the flow.  

The narrow path is not always the most popular one and can be difficult at times. On the narrow path, we have to be intentional about our walk with God. It's not always easy, but it is well worth it. We have to be willing to stand out from the crowd in our choices and how we live our lives. We have to be different.